The Costume Chronicles

Welcome to the Costume Chronicles, the community scrapbook of The Wardrobe Door. Here you can share pictures and and reports of costumes you've made, and see the handiwork of your fellow Narnia costumers!

Chronicles are arranged chronologically, starting with earliest submissions. Enjoy!

The White Witch

Turkish Delight Gown


The Dress
1) I started off by adapting a cheap wedding dress I bought off Ebay.This gave me the basic shape to add my Foss shape bodice and sleeves.


2) I made the stand out collar with Funky Foam.


3) I then used blue acid dye that I painted on to get the colour that I wanted.


4) Next I started to add layers of gauze that I ripped to make the overlace effect, and some organza that I painted on with a watered down solution of fabric glue.This also gave the fabric a stiffer feel.


5) I made the fur stole, but cutting out animal skin shapes from Fur Fabric, and sewing them together.This then gave me the finished look.


The Wig and Crown
1) I had a wig that I used for Jadis by sewing dreads to it.


2) To make my crown I hot glued Christmas plastic icicles together on a wire base.


3) I then added the crown to my wig, and sewed a few more dreads over the top.


The Wand
1) I had some wooden dowl that I used for the base, and molded some Fimo over it to get the required shape.

2) I made the icicle parts by again hot glueing Christmas plastic icicles together to get the shapes I wanted.


3) I then painted this with acrylic paint. Next I added craft wire for the details, and also painted some more finer details with silver acrylic paint.


The Finished Costume


White Witch and "Friends"


family affair - Mom as the white witch. Dad as Aslan, toddler as Peter - Aslan and Peter were purchased costumes - mom wore a gunmetal grey ball skirt - silver oleg cassini sequin top - and a faux fur/satin blanket as a cape.


Turkish Delight Gown


This gown was made for a New Year's Eve party themed Winter Wonderland. Collar made from rolled betting-crown made with wire and hot glue.


White Witch Costume for Narnia Musical Stage Production


I was the director for a high school production of Narnia: the Musical this past December. The costume I built for the White Witch is not a recreation of the movie version, but rather a design unique for our show that came from my vision of the Witch based on the LWW book.


I used the Simplicity 9891 pattern as a base for my costume. I heightened and stiffened the collar, and I added the fur trim. I also put ties in the back so the costume would be able to be worn by different sized actors. My actress wore a wedding crinolin underneath to give the gown more shape. The crown was made entirely of cardboard, tape, glue, glitter, and fur.

This link will take you to my online photo album of the White Witch. Some pictures are from the show itself, and some were taken after the show to get better detailed shots.


White Witch Snow Gown


Using the pattern from an old prom dress, my A-line version of the White Witch's snow gown is white satin with a lot of fake fur trim. The crown and wand are hand made with plastic water bottles, Elmer's glue, a cream cheese container, and a lot of white glitter. I based my dress and wand on my own concept from the book moreso than the film. But the ice crown was just too great a concept not to use. This was also my first attempt at sewing my own stuff, so thank you for the grace. :)
