Edmund's Narnian tunic is worn at Aslan's camp, from before
the parley, until the battle.
The undershirt is a pale white linen, almost blue in some
images, with loose set-in sleeves and a close-fitting round
neck. Coming to mid-thigh, it's probably split in the front
up to the waist.
Over that is worn an rust-red/orange tunic in soft leather.
The neck is rounded, with a self-fabric twisted cord probably
tacked on about an inch from the the neck edge and the button
closure down the front, on both sides. The front is closed with
six looped buttons, attaching until just below the belt.
The tunic has a center back seam, and splits at the sides
up to the belt. The tunic extends off the shoulder a bit,
like a kimono sleeve.
Edmund wears light tan hose, like Peter, and dark leather
boots rising to about mid-calf, which are criss-cross laced
all the way up the top of the foot and front of the leg. The
boot is turned down in a two or three inch collar of auburn
leather, the same as his tunic, and split just at the point
that the lacing meets the top edge.