Dawn Treader Outfit
So far Lucy only really seems to have one full Narnian outfit—she just wears it in different ways. This outfit consists of blue velvet trousers, a white shirt, at least one sleeveless tunic/jerkin, and a pair of rust-brown detachable sleeves.
In the set images, she's just wearing the blue velvet trousers, white shirt, and belt. In the rest of the images, she wears a red tunic/jerkin with gold embroidery, topped with her cordial belt. In some shots she's added the detachable sleeves to the jerkin.
She wears this loose white cotton shirt tucked into the blue velvet trousers and usually topped with the red jerkin.
The shirt closes with a three-button placket at least, the first button resting just where the collar begins. There are also appears to be smaller buttons on the edge of the collar, with small corresponding loops on the other side—see here and here—but she always wears the collar open.
The cuffs and the standing collar are finely pleated, with three visible rows of horizontal stitching on the collar—see this image. The pleating, stitching, and looped buttons make this shirt very similar to Caspian's blue shirt, worn with his Farewell
Outfit in Prince Caspian.
At first it seemed to be possible that there were two different shirts; observe the difference in the cuff between this image and this image. However, if you look at this image (or, even better, watch the waving shot frame-by-frame in the trailer, starting at 00:54), you can see the pleating on the cuff on her left hand, but her right hand's cuff (waving) is not visibly pleated; it resembles the Magician's Book shot. So for now we're assuming that the cuff is pleated at the back of the hand, and delicately embellished with a cross-hatch ribbon design on the wrist side. This seems likely given that the collars look identical.
Red Tunic
She wears a lovely red jerkin over her shirt in most of the images. The fabric is deep red but looks a bit more golden orange in some lights. Look at the woven texture in these three shots—especially on her right shoulder in the first shot—the fabric looks like a jacquard.
The jerkin is double-breasted, wrapped in the Telmarine style: one side of the tunic crossing the front and buttoning to her right, forming a V-neck. We can't tell if the three metal buttons there are meant to be functional, but the buttons that mirror these, on her left side, are decorative and are not functional.
Not counting the possibility of any waist seams—which we may be seeing in this image— the jerkin looks to be made of two front pieces (one that crosses and buttons over the other) and one back piece. The seams previously spotted in this shot are not princess seams but waist darts, as we can see in this image. In this shot we can also just see the center side seam.
There are at least two vents on each side; one at the center side seam and one at the side of the back, probably on a waist dart as well (which may meet the vent at a waist seam). See this shot. Also, from this shot and others (these two set pictures), it looks like the back skirt "flap" overlaps the sides at the waist dart split, while the front overlaps the side at the side split. This would give her more range of movement, but it also wouldn't "gap" as much. However, if there is a waist seam, these could be nothing more than two wide knife pleats in alternating directions!
The tunic is embroidered with evenly spaced golden swirly floral emblems of different sizes—it looks like they get a bit smaller towards the top of the jerkin. You can see a few particularly well in this shot—look below and above her arm. The same type of design forms a wide band at the hem, made up of larger golden emblems (maybe two inches tall?), which you can see pretty well in this shot. The neck, hem, armholes and front closure of the tunic are edged with a twisted gold cord. There is also a narrow border of gold embroidery, straight with small leaves, around the neck, hem and front closure.
Gold Tunic?
In this shot and this shot (look to the left—we're guessing that's Georgie's photo double) we had thought Lucy was wearing a different jerkin, a lighter golden brown color. However, we haven't seen this again... it's probable that it's the same jerkin in different lighting.
In a few images, Lucy wears long sleeves—they look like another layer over the white shirt and under the red jerkin, but they are actually separate detachable sleeves.
It's hard to tell from the images we have, but the fabric appears to be a dark brownish red and gold jacquard—a paisley pattern, perhaps? See these two shots.
The sleeves must attach past the edge of the jerkin, as the jerkin overlaps the sleeve. The sleeves are open at the underside of the arm, and at the elbow, from above the elbow to midway down her forearm—you can see the white shirt blousing out of this opening. Check out this shot, this shot, and this shot.
There's a seam at the top of the arm (thumb side, if her arms are at her sides) which suggests it's a coat sleeve (like Susan's purple dress in Prince Caspian). The sleeve opening is slit with rounded corners, and edged with a corded piping—probably self-fabric.
Trousers and Boots
She wears her blue velvet trousers high on the waist, cinched
with a wide dark brown leather belt in the first images. No buckle is visible; it probably ties at the back like the belts of the crew. The trousers have gold leaf or embroidered
embellishment down the sides of the legs, like Caspian's trousers
with his main outfit from
Prince Caspian. Her boots are a bright mahogany red color.
She wears her cordial belt over the red jerkin. In some images a short dwarf sword—which is exactly identical to Trumpkin's in Prince Caspian!—is attached at her left side, hanging from two leather loops. In some images, this hangs from a sturdier brown belt below her cordial belt, with a baldric (shoulder strap) attached.
Promotional Display, Production Shots
Set Pictures - tan/gold jerkin?