Governor Gumpas
Gumpas's outfit is ornate and pretentious, but also looks a bit
dusty, with an interesting "patchwork" quality that
perhaps says something about the way His Sufficiency governs.
His costume clearly reflects Telmarine influences, but also seems
to indicate that trade with Calormen has also effected clothing on the island.
Now for a breakdown of layers, starting with the loose olive
green shirt which we can see at the neck, gathered into a mandarin
Over this, a tunic-type garment with a low neck that wraps and
probably fastens to itself at his left side. The main fabric is
a moss green, and from the way the sleeves look, it might be silk
taffeta. This tunic is edged at the neck with a wide band of brocade
fabric in a brownish color, which extends down the front edge
where it joins the other side, but does not continue to the edge.
From this image, it looks like
it breaks about 6-7 inches up and continues in a different fabric,
this time a greenish blue with a different print. This greenish
blue trim continues to the side seam at his right, where it abruptly
changes to another trim, brown on a tan/gold background with patterns
that run horizontally.
On Gumpas' right side, the tunic has a broad square patch of
brown fabric in a print that looks to be laid out in a diamond
pattern. The patch continues around the side and to the back.
Over the tunic he wears a leather belt with a large metal buckle
on the righthand side (which echoes the medallion hanging from
his beads which we see here and
here), and a connecting
strap over his right shoulder.
Over all this he wears a large, loose, olive green coat—at
least knee length at the back, probably longer. Looks like a wool
brocade. The sleeves are split at the elbow, along the seam at
the top of the arm. The neck of the coat has a "yoke"
in a solid matching color.
His turban is in a fabric similar to his coat. It's wrapped and
twisted at the right, with string somehow wound into it. The turban
sports a feather on the left side.
Gumpas wears plenty of jewelry. At the neck wears a metal medallion,
which hangs from one of the multiple strings of white beads. He
wears a bracelet on his left hand of white beads as well, and
a ring on his left hand. Looks like he might be wearing an earring
in his right ear.
He wears heavy tan trousers—probably wool—and tall
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