English Outfit
Here we see Eustace in his English outfit: dark brown
pleated trousers with braces (suspenders), a white or tan-colored Oxford shirt with a three-button placket, and a pullover v-neck sweater. The sweater is goldish tan with a brown diamond design.
Dawn Treader Outfit
His Dawn Treader outfit consists of a white shirt (not the
same one he wears with his English outfit above, as previously thought), a blue-grey velvet button-up waistcoat with a v-notch neck. The front closes with buttons and loops. The
front edges, around the neck, and the armholes look to be bordered
about half an inch in with corded piping in the same fabric. The
waistcoat is topped with a wide brown belt, tooled and burned
with darker designs. You can make out the shine of a couple of
stones or studs on the belt at the center of some of the designs.
He has slightly loose-fitting brown trousers, probably suede,
and tan leather boots.
Trailer #1